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The Austin project is a two part thesis focusing on mental health awareness and family dedication.


PART I: AUSTIN Official Film 2021


austin Official Film 2021

AUSTIN is an experimental film bridging visual poetry with documentary, and is the first part of the AUSTIN Project. While metaphorically comparing the physics of sound to the hidden world of bipolar, It aims at generating hope for those struggling with mental health.


This film is dedicated to my sister:

Ashley Campbell


Dedicated in Loving Memory of:

My uncle: Austin Campbell (1961 - 1996)


Grandmother: Frances "Happy" Campbell (1937 - 2021)






What does it look like;

When the break of dawn pierces the void?

What can you hear;

The familiar voices of past and present?


What would you say now;

Knowing how deep the currents flow and how high clouds sail?

Not a minute passes in which I wish I knew.

But all the same I feel the pressure.


And although my eyes grow weak in darkness,

you remind me to never keep them shut.





Sound travels in waves;

At times the sound is deafening,

So we dissect the peaks & valleys looking for a reason to shut it off, But we forget the amplitude altogether is what leaves us with the clearest message.


Like the moon and the tide the push and pull is strong.

But I know all too well that one will never break the other.

These are life patterns.

and like all patterns, the sequence begins to fade over time.


Time heals.

And all this time, the repetitions have only made you stronger.

So like the passive pounding of a beating heart,

You too, will hear the sound without skipping a beat.




Written, Shot, Produced, & Edited by: A-Ok Visions

PART II: AUSTIN An Interactive Story


austin An Interactive Story

AUSTIN: An Interactive Story, documents the last moments between my grandmother (Frances "Happy" Campbell) and I, and serves as Part II of the AUSTIN project. 

The following recordings are a collection from the last conversations we shared together, juxtaposed with footage taken in regard to the making of Part I.


In November of 2020, she lovingly shared the memories and story of my uncle, Austin Campbell, who struggled with addiction and bipolar.


In March of 2021, "Happy" passed away peacefully on a Tuesday in my hometown: Cary, North Carolina.


This is their story.

This project stands as awareness to
bipolar, addiction, and the precious time spent with our loved ones.

The Austin Project Senior Thesis Interactive Documentary


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